allows the creation of maps quickly using {ggplot2}
. For this
reason, the resulting map is fully editable through {ggplot2}
quick_map(region = NULL, type = NULL)
character string or atomic vector containing countries names ou continents. Default is NULL
character string informing map type. Can be "sf"
or "ggplot"
a ggplot object
depends heavily on the data available by
the {rnaturalearth}
package. In this sense, quick_map()
uses a wide and dirty filtering of
this data to create the map.
if (FALSE) {
# plot a world map
# plot a new world map
quick_map(region = "Americas", type = "sf")
# using ggplot
quick_map(region = "Americas", type = "ggplot")
# edit using ggplot2 layers
quick_map() +
theme_void() +
geom_sf(fill = "white")